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Why Twilight is so addictive?!
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51 posts
Dec 24, 2008
9:55 PM
Oooh wee, Twilight really did it for me, talking about the book most especially. I am currently deployed in Iraq and yes, we do get to see the bootleg versions of every new movies out in theaters from the Haji shops so yes, I already watched the movie not one time but several times, that's how it started, I wanted to see how Robert really fitted to play Edward Cullen, well, I can tell, he played the part, I read the book and I could only envision him as Edward, and I also read the twelve chapters of Midnight Sun from Stephanie Meyer's website and yes, he kept coming to mind. I don't know how that started but about ten months ago a good friend of mine introduced me to vampire romance books, I was not so interested in the beginning, but few months later, everyone out here were talking about "Twilight", so I looked it up and I was hooked. I am a horror movie enthusiast but I am also a romantic at heart. This story had both horror and romance and seduction and much more. Before I even knew what was happening to me, I couldn't wait for the movie to come out, when it did, I was somewhat satisfied, but I wanted more, I wanted to read all of the books, which I did, but was not enough, I was an addict. I was addicted to Stephanie Meyer's stories as she wrote them with passion and creativity. So, needless to tell you that I am not satisfied with only reading the first twelve chapters of Midnight Sun, I want her to finish that book so I can be content. Shame on those who illegally posted her draft of Midnight Sun online without her authorization, but at least, that gave me a chance to read it off her website, I did not think she would have posted it if it was not already leaked (shame on me) but that is only to tell you how addicted I became and I can't wait for the movie version of New Moon. But Midnight Sun told the same story as Twilight did only through Edward Cullen's eyes. What he felt and had to go through to win Bella's affection and ultimately her love. Check it out:

Merry Christmas to all horror fans!

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59 posts
Jan 11, 2009
2:03 AM

Bella infected with the venom of James' scene...
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