March 11, 2015 @ 12:38 AM

Who is your most badass werewolf character?

Each week we will pick a werewolf as part of our Werewolf Wednesday feature. Your inputs are welcome. This week, we pick Cesaire from Catherine Hardwicke's Little Red Riding Hood (2011)

Cesaire from Red Riding Hood

Who: Meet Cesaire the struggling father and husband played by Billy Burke

Cesaire with wife and mother in law

Why: Cesaire was a very quiet and feeble looking man. He seemed by all appearances to be a devoted husband, an obedient servant to the small village, and an exceptional father. Until, he uncovered the worst of all, his wife was a cheater and their first born was well not his.  That can push any man to do the unthinkable, let alone a man who seemed so peaceful, so tranquil throughout his entire life but deep within an impossible truth resided. One that he craved to share oneday with his first born child as his father's father has and so did his own father. It's their legacy people! Don't mess with a man's incomprehensible sense of keeping traditions alive!

Red Riding and Cesaire

Reveal: Cesaire was the wolf all along. Killing his entire family as they were ever so unpure leaving Valerie alive in order to pass down the werewolf lineage.

Red Riding Hood's wolf