October 26, 2011 @ 7:50 AM


WTF Moment in Horror

Donald Sutherland in Invasion of the body Snatchers.

Last scene from Invasion of the body snatchers (1978)

Donald Sutherland's character Matthew is spotted by Nancy while walking towards the city hall by now we are relieved to see that Matthew along with Nancy survived the crazy night. Nancy calls him but Matthew responds in the most peculiar manner by pointing at Nancy and screaming in the same way the pods people do when they catch a non-pod person.

Actor: Donald Sutherland

Director: Philip Kaufman

Famous Quotes: "Here I am, you pod bastards! Hey Pods! Come and get me you scum!"

 Invasion of the Body Snatchers is one of those grand movies that is so cryptic that you will be lost trying to piece together what this whole project was truly about. My favorite scene from this movie is the very last one. Yes, it's kinda fucked up, that they tried so hard to fight off these pods people but only to succumb to their wrath in the final scene.