March 27, 2015 @ 10:35 AM

Title: The World's End (2013)

Prepare to get annihilated

Actors: Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Paddy Considine, Martin Freeman, Eddie Marsan

 The Good Companions

Background: Gary King is your all British drunken, bummy, rubbish guy cemented in his teenage years as they were the most fulfilling ones of his life. Let's just say, Gary King has ceased to grow as a human being since his last pub hopping while commandeering his four best friends - Peter, Oliver, Andy and Steven. Now several years later, Gary guilts his now estranged successful friends into coming back to their hometown, New Haven, to complete this ceremonial "Golden Mile" which has for object that they each finish a draft in these twelve contentiously named Public Houses with double meaning - The First Post, The Old Familiar, The Famous Cock, The Cross Hands, The Good Companions, The Trusty Servant, The Two Headed Dog, The Mermaid, The Beehive, The King's Head, The Hole in the Wall and last but not least, The World's End. Little did they know, that their beloved town has gone through a thorough remodeling (Conformist Issue) by this 'super stuck up' alien perfectionist group called ambiguously enough "The Network".

The Blanks

Scene: There they are all trapped in the porcelain throne plant at THE CROSS HANDS and have to face teenage boys who happen to be well, "blanks", copies of their former selves, no longer human or possess any human will. 

Blanks from TWE

WTF moment: 'Modern art' pose by far the biggest menace from the androids - blanks. 

Modern Art

WTF: These blanks also generate an insurmountable amount of light through their eye and mouth holes - talking about a blinding walking lamp...
