April 1, 2019 @ 9:30 AM

Title: Glass (2019)

"You cannot contain what you are"


 Glass was a highly anticipated movie. I loved Unbreakable, and was amazed by Split. I went to watch it as soon as it was out in theaters, I can assure you I would have never expected Glass to take this turn. One thing we can agree on, is that James McAvoy stole every scene as he portrayed 21 personalities so flawlessly well. There were also so many WTF moments in this third installment of the trilogy. The one hand-picked for you today is the revealed villain. Yes you must say to yourself, we already know Kevin with his superhuman personality "The Beast" and Elijah with his pseudonym "Mr. Glass" are the true villains. I agree they are in their own rights, the established villains of the series. However, the ultimate villain is revealed at the end and it rocked my world!



The Superhumans


"They will be missed"


"Don't trust this 'psychiatrist'" 


 "Only a true hero or villain can make this coat work so well"


 "Meet 'Ellie Staple'"


The WTF: As you should already know, Kevin and his multiple personalities, Elijah Price aka Mr. Glass, and David Dunn aka the Overseer, the true superhero but vilified by Dr. Staple are regarded as unnatural to most and especially Dr. Staple. She lets Dunn touch her and he sees her for who she really was and her motives. The clandestine society she is a part of, is dedicated to track and eradicate superhumans both villains and heroes to keep their existence from the rest of the world.