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No good movies
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Aug 08, 2009
7:04 PM
I guess I'm stuck in my ways now as I get older. I now think every new horror movie isn't worth even seeing. I saw previews for Zombieland starring Woddy Harrelson and that dumb kid from Juno and Superbad which both sucked! The movie is a comedy and might be ok at best. I also saw a preview of a Zombie movie that was made by a guy from UK for $75. This may very well be the best Zombie in a long time cause the guy had to use his imagination to make a good movie without the millions of dollars for special effects. I hope it does well.

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13 Creepy Shorts to Evil For


Happy New Year TBHMManiacs!!!


"The best horror movies inspire good or evil in the living, depending on their essence"

