"Happy November"
Get your Horror On!
June 24, 2015 @ 11:51 PM

Title: Jacob's Ladder (1990)

The most frightening thing about Jacob Singer's nightmares is that he isn't dreaming

Actors: Tim Robbins, Elizabeth Pena 

Jacob Singer 

Background: One of the very first Tim Robbins' movie that I have watched and I became a fan eversince. Tim portrayed Jacob Singer so convincingly that you would never realize what the film was truly about until the ending.  The following citation by Meister Eckart sums up most of the premise: "The only thing that burns in Hell is the part of you that won't let go of life, your memories, your attachments. They burn them all away. But they're not punishing you", he said. "They're freeing your soul. So, if you&#...............

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June 12, 2015 @ 4:58 AM

Title: Audition (1999)

You can't go anywhere without feet can you?

Actors: Ryo Ishibashi, Eihi Shiina, Tetsu Sawaki

Audition poster 

Background: Audition was that late 1999 horror thriller that most friends were either warning others not to go see with a full stomach or plainly to avoid altogether if they were on the easily traumatized side after watching a truly visceral flick. Audition was nothing short of visually unimaginable grotesque sadomasochistic dismemberments of lovers who could not simply love 'only' Asami for the rest of their wretched lives. As that's exactly what this psychopath will go on reminding them before she shows them to their new 'dwelling' made out of burlap; not without, of ...............

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13 Creepy Shorts to Evil For


Happy New Year TBHMManiacs!!!


"The best horror movies inspire good or evil in the living, depending on their essence"

