March 13, 2015 @ 1:52 AM


What: TBHM’s Mass Flashback Friday the 13 Movie night next Friday.

Why: To promote camaraderie online

When: March Friday the 13th 

Who: Everyone (especially TBHMManiacs)

How: Just insert your Riding the Bullet DVD, VHS in player and press play or watch it online but do make it epic by posting Hashtag TBHMManiac in front of every post on your social network about your favorite scenes, cachprases, characters while viewing this Stephen King’s special!

Prize: The most post online about this epic night will get a free TBHMManiacs T-shirt featured on main page. 


Dosage: A swallow of Heineken every time the proverbial button and the ghost are shown in a scene.

 Synopsis: This movie intrigued me so much when I first watched it in the early 2000's. I would always play Alan Parker's situation in my mind, hoping that I would never be placed in such a delicate situation. Riding the Bullet had so many hidden lessons and meanings, you could choose to interpret it in so many different light. Well, for me, I saw a young man struggling with his very own existence since the day he cowardly decided against riding the bullet (a rollercoaster ride) in his teens. As a result, he grew up to be indecisive, afraid, insecured and obsessed with death.

Click on mini poster to watch via amazon now

Level of Horror: Supernatural, Supreme Mindf*ck, life and death

Cast: Jonathan Jackson, David Arquette, Barbara Hershey

Writer: Stephen King

Director: Mick Garris


Happy Friday the 13th TBHMmaniacs!!!

Would you ride the bullet?